Basic WebScraping with R
When I first started scraping data from websites I used the amazing
beautiful soup library in python. Recently I discovered the rvest
package in R that makes webscraping in R a breeze. I show some basic
code below for scraping data from a website.
One caveat that should always be made about scraping the web: be careful
not to overwhelm the sites’ servers. People just like you worked hard to
make their website and the data is available because of them. If your
scraping code makes a bazillion calls per second on one website, you
will crash the site and ruin it for the rest of us. Don’t wreck the
internet. I have found the simplest way to scrape ethically is build in
rests between scraping calls using something like Sys.sleep(2)
. That
way the code acts a little more at human speed allowing the website to
“catch up”.
The following code scrapes the sports card website This is an amazing website that I really don’t want to crash because I use it all the time.
The first step is to get the html from the landing page for one year.
YEAR <- 2011
year_url <- paste0("",YEAR)
year_page_html <- read_html(year_url)
Next, get all the links that match a particular brand (Topps in this case) from that landing page into one list that I can loop over.
all_year_links <- year_page_html %>%
html_elements("a") %>%
year_topps_links <- all_year_links[grepl("viewset.*?-topps$", tolower(all_year_links)) |
grepl("viewset.*?-topps-update$", tolower(all_year_links)) ]
Loop over the links to that brand and then repeat the process: get the links that are on that page for a particular subset of cards (“Rookies” in this case). Note that I had to add some words to the URL to get to the right link.
for (TOPPS_LINK in paste0("",gsub("ViewSet","Rookies",year_topps_links))){
topps_page_html <- read_html(TOPPS_LINK)
all_topps_links <- topps_page_html %>%
html_elements("a") %>%
Within that same loop, get the links for the individual cards. The key value here is that the program found the links to the cards so I didn’t need to loop over them.
year_topps_card_links <- paste0("",
for (CARD_LINK in year_topps_card_links){
year_topps_card_page_html <- read_html(CARD_LINK)
all_price_links <- year_topps_card_page_html %>%
html_elements("a") %>%
price_link <- paste0("",
You can see the process I’m going through here. It’s just drilling down
to the individual sites I want. If the URLs are easier to loop over,
that would be an easier approach. But in this case, I didn’t know the
set IDs or the card IDs, so I used this drill-down method to loop over
what I know (years) and then find links using the rvest
ability to find links on HTML pages.
Once I get to the level I am interested in, I add an if statement to
make sure the page will have what I want, then use html_table
extract the table info.
if (price_link == ""){
print("invalid price link")
} else {
price_page_html <- read_html(price_link)
price_table <- price_page_html %>%
html_nodes("table") %>%
Finally, I use the data.table
package to convert the data to a
data.table and save it to a list so that I can keep looping and adding
to the list, then outside the loop I use rbindlist
to combine all the
data into one table.
price_dt <-[[4]])
price_dt[, X1 := NULL]
names(price_dt) <- as.character(price_dt[1,])
price_dt <- price_dt[-1,]
price_dt <- price_dt[Date != ""]
price_dt[, price := as.numeric(gsub("\\+.*","",gsub("[\\$|S&H]","",Price)))]
price_dt[grepl("S&H",Price), sh := as.numeric(gsub(".*?\\+","",gsub("[\\$|S&H]","",Price)))]
price_dt[, tot_price := ifelse(!, price + sh, price)]
rc_price_list[[price_link]] <- price_dt[,.(date_sold = as.Date(Date, format = "%m-%d-%Y"),
price, sh, tot_price,
name = gsub("-"," ",gsub("^-","",gsub("\\d+?-","", gsub(".*?Topps","", price_link)))))]
This process takes a lot of iterating and a lot of reading the page HTML to find the right text to add to URL links.